To get started with integrating FullContact with ClinchPad, click on Settings from the top menu.
Select Integrations from the left menu.
Scroll down to find FullContact and click on Manage Integration.
Click on New Integration
The field "Integration Name" can contain any name you want for distinguishing the phone. Once done select the Pipeline and the Stage where the leads should be created.
Use the highlighted URL when you create a Webhook in FullContact.
Now open FullContact application on your phone and click on Menu icon at the top left corner as highlighted below.

Click on Webhook.

Click on the + icon at the top right corner to add a new Web-hook as highlighted below.

Fill the Webhook name as any name you want and paste the Webhook URL (copied from ClinchPad earlier) in the Webhook URL space. Once done, click on Done. Your Webhook will be created.

Now go to the homepage of the application and click on Capture a Card. Take a clear picture of that card.

Once the picture has been accepted, it will automatically be uploaded in a few seconds. Then the card will be transcribed which may take upto 20 minutes.
After it has been transcribed the contact will show up like this:-

When you click on this contact, you'll be able to see all your card data transcribed into their respective places.
A new lead containing all this data will automatically be created in ClinchPad.