To get started with integrating Jotform with ClinchPad, click on Settings from the top menu.
Select Integrations from the left menu.
Scroll down to find Jotform and click on Manage Integration.
Click on Integrate New Form.The field
"Form Name" can contain any name you want for distinguishing the form.The field
"Lead Name" should contain the field from your Jotform which you want to save as the name of the lead in ClinchPad. For ex. if you want to have "Your Name" from Jotform as the lead name in ClinchPad then populate "Lead Name" with "Your Name".
Similary complete the mapping for the rest of the fields if applicable. Once done select the Pipeline and the Stage where the leads should be created.
If your Jotform contains fields which does not have corresponding mapping fields in ClinchPad, then you can create custom fields for them. Below is the article for creating custom fields-
After you create a form, a unique Webhook URL is generated for each form which you will have to specify in your Jotform Webhooks. You can find a guide to creating webhooks in Jotform here:-
Once done, you should see Leads being created in ClinchPad whenever your Jotform form is submitted.